Installing Oracle Secure Global Desktop on Solaris 10 Non-Global Zone

After several years I am not playing around with Secure Global Desktop (SGD), recently I tried to install Sun Secure Global Desktop in non-global zone of Solaris 10.

First attempt installation using SGD 4.5, it was failed. Second trial is using SGD 4.41, that I have tried before and works, but the only different is the Solaris version. It was using Sun Solaris instead of Oracle Solaris.

The error is unable to start SGD server, after digging got an error because the installer is unable to opening specific port. Try find it thru Google and forum no luck.

Then check ulimit, voila, the default nofiles in non-global zone is very small, that’s why the installer is always failed, and even it starting, when we tried to login thru browser, we will get

So, I tried to increase the nofiles limit, you can use traditional with ulimit command per session based, for zone based you can achieve thru projects.

Just login to non-global zone and edit /etc/project and edit this line look like:


It means we will set nofiles limit to 8192. To understand about project you can open Solaris documentation chapter Projects and Tasks.